[Firebird-net-provider] [FB-Tracker] Created: (DNET-816) Wrong EntityFramewordCore command with Asp.Net Core Identity

2018-04-22 Thread Adriano dos Santos Fernandes (JIRA)
Components: Entity Framework Core Environment: Reporter: Adriano dos Santos Fernandes Assignee: Jiri Cincura OnModelCreating has: builder.Entity().ToTable("IDENTITY_USER") .Ignore(u => u.LockoutEnd); builder.Entity() .Prope

Re: [Firebird-net-provider] [Firebird-devel] Stored procedures etc. in .NET

2016-06-27 Thread Adriano dos Santos Fernandes
Em 27/06/2016 15:51, Jiří Činčura escreveu: > Hi *, > > there's something I've been working on for a few evenings and weekends. > As you might know, from Firebird 3 there's and interface to write a > plugin that allows to execute any code as stored procedure, function or > trigger. > > So why not