Re: [Firebird-net-provider] Help with SQL

2008-08-27 Thread Joaquim Pais
in .net using always @ On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 09:59, André Knappstein, Controlling < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Hello Steve, > > > join InvoiceDetail d ON (d.InvoiceID = :InvoiceID) > > join InvoicePayment p ON (p.InvoiceID = :InvoiceID) > > where (i.InvoiceID = :InvoiceID) > > Are parameters s

Re: [Firebird-net-provider] Help with SQL

2008-08-27 Thread André Knappstein , Controlling
Hello Steve, > join InvoiceDetail d ON (d.InvoiceID = :InvoiceID) > join InvoicePayment p ON (p.InvoiceID = :InvoiceID) > where (i.InvoiceID = :InvoiceID) Are parameters supposed to work that way in I always use "@" for a parameter identifier instead of ":" regards, André --

Re: [Firebird-net-provider] Help with SQL

2008-08-26 Thread Steve Faleiro
--- Steve Harp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > HI All, > > > > I'm trying to get invoice totals to show item totals and payments. I > have 3 > tables; Invoice, InvoiceDetail, and InvoicePayment. I first tried a > join > like this. > > [..] I haven't tried it in NET, but am venturing a guess

Re: [Firebird-net-provider] Help with SQL

2008-08-26 Thread Mercea Paul
ugust 27, 2008 7:53 AM To: 'For users and developers of the Firebird .NET providers' Subject: Re: [Firebird-net-provider] Help with SQL Try this select i.SiteID, i.InvoiceID, Sum(COALESCE(d.Charge, 0)) AS Itm, Sum(COALESCE(p.Amount, 0)) AS Pmt, (Sum(COALESCE(d.Ch

Re: [Firebird-net-provider] Help with SQL

2008-08-26 Thread Mercea Paul Subject: [Firebird-net-provider] Help with SQL HI All, I'm trying to get invoice totals to show item totals and payments. I have 3 tables; Invoice, InvoiceDetail, and InvoicePayment. I first tried a join like this. select i.SiteID, i.InvoiceID, NULLIF(Sum(d.Charge), 0) A

[Firebird-net-provider] Help with SQL

2008-08-26 Thread Steve Harp
HI All, I'm trying to get invoice totals to show item totals and payments. I have 3 tables; Invoice, InvoiceDetail, and InvoicePayment. I first tried a join like this. select i.SiteID, i.InvoiceID, NULLIF(Sum(d.Charge), 0) AS Itm, NULLIF(Sum(p.Amount), 0) AS Pmt, (NULLIF(Su