[firebird-support] UDF 64 bits

2012-12-04 Thread Sergio H. Gonzalez
Hello... I think I've posted this question before, but now can't find the thread... Anyway I still have the problem... An UDF that worked fine in FB 32 bits, in 64 bits doesn't work This is the DDL: DECLARE EXTERNAL FUNCTION SG_DES DOUBLE PRECISION, CSTRING(50) RETURNS DOUBLE

[firebird-support] database in external USB HDD

2012-07-02 Thread Sergio H. Gonzalez
Hello there! I use FB 2.5. Is there any known problem with having the database file in an external USB drive conected to the server? Just in case (don't know if it matters!) I always use superserver mode. thanks!! -sergio [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[firebird-support] setting a generator inside a SP

2012-02-17 Thread Sergio H. Gonzalez
Hello! In the FB guide reads: Setting a generator directly to a certain value (“Update”) PSQL GEN_ID(GeneratorName,NewValue - GEN_ID(GeneratorName, 0 ) ); Warning This is more of a dirty little trick to do what you normally cannot and should not do in

[firebird-support] not null and index usage

2012-02-13 Thread Sergio H. Gonzalez
Hello! Having this simple query: (and some_id being a foreing key) select * from my_table where (some_id is null) uses the index... but select * from my_table where (some_id is not null) doesn't uses it. Now the table is quite small, so I have no performance issues, but can I do something

[firebird-support] gbak connection string

2012-01-30 Thread Sergio H. Gonzalez
(FB 2.5) Hello! is there any problem in using gbak with this string: gbak c:\myfolder\mydatabse.fdb [etc...] while there are other PCs connected to the same databse with tcp/ip: servername:c:\myfolder\mydatabse.fdb ??? If I remember well, mixing string connections could damage the database?

[firebird-support] selecting concatenated records

2012-01-16 Thread Sergio H. Gonzalez
hello!! I have this situation, and don't know how to solve it... My table: ID ORIGINAL_ID 1NULL 21 32 4NULL 51 So, the ID 1 has two children (2 and 5) and 2 has one children (3). Of course, ID 3 could have N children and so

[firebird-support] selecting a field by name (using a var)

2011-11-07 Thread Sergio H. Gonzalez
Hello! I use FB2.5. It is possible to have an SP in which I send a string as input paramemeter and I get the value of some field named as my input parameter? CREATE PROCEDURE PANIO_TERMINADO ( in_id fk_id, in_etapa codigo) returns ( out_fecha fecha_hora) as begin select /*