With firebird 2.5 we received some wonderful tools that allowed us to create, 
update and drop users without needlessly mucking about with smacking the 
security database.  Yea!

But, we also where locked out from reading the security database so  we can no 
longer see who is defined in the database via sql. Boo!

So, what I want to know is, is it possible to get a list of currently defined 
users for the system database, via sql.

ie., select * from mon$security2 or some other such method?
  • [firebird-s... Dalton Calford dcalf...@distributel.ca [firebird-support]
    • [fireb... Dmitry Yemanov dim...@users.sourceforge.net [firebird-support]
      • RE... Dalton Calford dcalf...@distributel.ca [firebird-support]
        • ... Dmitry Yemanov dim...@users.sourceforge.net [firebird-support]

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