nipper232003  [2011-12-12 21:22] :
> I have also installed firebird 2.1.4 using the rpm from the EPL site.  It 
> installs with all its dependencies but how do I invoke this to run/install?  
Sorry, I don't understand

> Where should I see this install?  Which firebird returns nothing but yum 
> tells me that its install correctly.
Q: How can I list all the files in a package?

A: If the package is already installed on your system, do rpm -ql
foobar, or if it's a downloaded rpm file, do rpm -qlp foobar.rpm. If you
don't already have the rpm installed, or available, do repoquery --list
foobar. reqoquery is provided by yum-utils.

you can also watch here :
(click on info for each package)

example :

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