Dear FIS colleagues,

Thanks to Bob for all his mindful contents. Given the many ideas to comment in his draft, I will briefly refer to a couple of them just at the beginning of the paper. First, on "concepts" as the basic stuff of human language-communication. And second, on the notion of "information overload".

About the former, if one is interested on the "motor" side of the action-perception cycle that seemingly organizes the neurodynamics of vertebrate brains, there might be alternative approaches to "concepts". Alain Berthoz general vision, and more concretely, J. Fuster who made a few years ago (2003) the proposal of "cognits", might deserve be entered into the discussion... one of the central points is that nowadays we are missing a good, fertile synthesis around the enormous experimental accumulation in neuroscience last decades (as claimed by Edelman, Arbib, etc.). Anyhow, I leave here, as this theme probably will reappear in the session next September.

The "information overload" theme (in the evolution of social modes of communication), is really intriguing. Should we take it, say, in its prima facie? I am inclined to put it into question, at least to have an excuse and try to unturn that pretty stone...

best regards


Thanks to Stan for the elegant homage to the Dark Goddess!
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