Dear FIS Colleagues,

Current discussants are kindly asked to make a pause on the ongoing lateral exchanges, and leave attentional room for the Colophon of the Session that Moises and Ken are going to post these very days.

It is important that we keep a discussion balance "between the four domains themselves", as some of our informational challenges are clearly situated beyond the it/bit or the thermodynamic arguments: (to name but a few concerns) in the way that the biological should participate in the non-objective aspects of information; in the individual's production of adaptive behavior out from the inner/outer circulating information, as well as in the coordination of the resulting action within the complexity of social domains (all the different information flows around that are so important and so exacerbated in contemporary societies). The advantage of the current slogans on the "information society" could be profited if we align properly new, consisting views in some of these (or other) fundamental aspects.

One of the important themes to be aligned concerns the vision of the overall system of knowledge, the multitude close to 10,000 scientific-technological disciplines around. It is the very theme that Ken and Moises started two months ago and that all the exciting discussions post-Vienna have relatively left in the background. A basic constraint we have said nothing about it yet concerns the cognizing limitations of the individual, how they force the disciplinary diaspora, and how that "Babelization" process has to be somehow balanced by multiple communication and info flows among scientific communities, far more difficult as the sheer number and the inner complexity increase. It is one of the reasons for producing coherent views on the whole enterprise and the grouping of great domains that Rosenbloom initially proposed... At least it will help to make better sense on the combinatory game collectively played by all of us.

All the best--Pedro

PS. In a few days I will post the tentative discussion calendar for next months. Remember that all of you are invited to propose a short -or regular- discussion session about the info sci. theme of your own interest.

Pedro C. Marijuán
Grupo de Bioinformación / Bioinformation Group
Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud
Centro de Investigación Biomédica de Aragón (CIBA)
Avda. San Juan Bosco, 13, planta X
50009 Zaragoza, Spain
Tfno. +34 976 71 3526 (& 6818)

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