Re: [Fis] Information: a metaphysical word; what is chemical information?

2017-04-14 Thread Robert E. Ulanowicz
Dear Jerry, My apologies for taking so long to reply! I have been overwhelmed with queries on email, civic and social obligations and responsibilities for liturgical rubrics in my parish. I haven’t spent very much time online as a result. I sympathize entirely with your apprehensions, but I think

Re: [Fis] Information: a metaphysical word

2017-03-27 Thread Sungchul Ji
coin a new term, "informons", to refer to specific examples carrying Information. All the best. Sun From: Fis on behalf of Robert E. Ulanowicz Sent: Monday, March 27, 2017 11:37:31 AM To: Cc: fis Subject: Re: [Fis] Info

Re: [Fis] Information: a metaphysical word

2017-03-27 Thread Robert E. Ulanowicz
Dear Arturo, I am less pessimistic than you about treating and measuring information. First off, that information is always relative is the obverse of the third law of thermodynamics. It cannot be otherwise. Secondly, you are correct that there

Re: [Fis] Information: a metaphysical word

2017-03-27 Thread Loet Leydesdorff
Everybody defines information in the way he prefers: subjective, biotic, bit, and so on. Therefore, every study that talks about "information" is meaningless. Dear Arturo, The “Therefore” does not follow. It is a non-igitur. For example, Shannon’s information theory is not necessarily meaning

Re: [Fis] Information: a metaphysical word

2017-03-27 Thread Francesco Rizzo
Caro Arturo e cari colleghi, come si fa ad escludere dal campo della conoscenza scientifica la parola-concetto (di) INFORMAZIONE, se tutto ciò che esiste in cielo, in terra e in ogni altro luogo è causa ed effetto di un processo che dà o prende (in termini neg-entropici o anabolici)) e degrada o pe

[Fis] Information: a metaphysical word

2017-03-27 Thread tozziarturo
Dear FISers, The current debate about information has just a possible development, I think. Everybody defines information in the way he prefers: subjective, biotic, bit, and so on. Therefore, every study that talks about "information" is meaningless. In particular, subjective accounts of inform