This message is from: "Dagrun Aarsten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Joe, I am terribly sorry to hear about your loss of Hardy. How sad.
Tommes is doing even better today, the swollen eye has gone down a lot, and
even though he is stiff and sore, he was in good enough shape to have a few
good rolls when he
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Re grazing muzzles.I have tried two kinds. A plastic coated metal
(did not like!!) and a fabric muzzle - both attach to the halter. I now have
a fabric muzzle/headstrap all in one - no need for the halter. We sell them
on All Things Fjord & Mo
This message is from: "Joe Glick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
It seemed like everything was going so well. When the vet left around 5:00 PM
Hardy was doing pretty good. But an hour later he was breathing faster again.
He just got steadily weaker and his breathing harder. He went down around
9:30, tried a
This message is from: "Joe Glick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The vet was here again this afternoon. After examining Hardy he said he is
pleased with what he sees. His heart rate is better, his gut sounded better
and his temperature is down to 100. Also the swelling went down some on the
legs. But there i
This message is from: "Linda Lehnert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Joe, I'm sure all of us who have had horses for some time have faced a
similar situation. We understand what you're going through and have much
empathy. You, your family and your horse are in my thoughts and prayers
and I sincerely hope h
This message is from: "Jean Gayle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Krist luckily I have a thin pasture that I can put the two easy keepers on
if necessary. However when they suddenly "blow up" and emergency measures
must be employed to keep found off then I use a muzzle. It is a wire basket
type. I had to
This message is from: Starfirefarm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sorry, folks, about the private reply. Didn't notice it was posted to
the list. Computers. Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em.
Brigid - so glad to hear that Tommes is doing okay after his ordeal.
Made of tuff stuff, these guys are.
This message is from: "Krist Martinsen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
This message is from Krist Martinsen
In Jessica Jahiel's HORSE-SENSE Newsletter, she recommends a grazing muzzle to
control the amount of intake on the pastures this time of year. Since we know
that Fjords are prone to "Porking out", it
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Yes, I'm sure he was just preparing you for the worst and making sure you
understood the seriousness of the case.
It may seem counter productive to give steroids, which do suppress the
immune system, when your horse is battling an infection. In this
This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
In a message dated 4/25/03 1:46:35 PM Mountain Daylight Time,
> The folks in Nova Scotia have been keeping a secret about Glory Metal
> Works, a New Hampshire small business. Ray Johnson, of Glory Metal
> Works, makes hand made s
This message is from: "Lassesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reminder to send in your foal photos to Cascade Horseman for the JUNE 2003
Include with photos...
1. Foals Name
2. Sire Name
3. Dam Name
4. Your ranch name & Location
If you want the photos returned, enclose a Self Add
This message is from: "Cheryl Beillard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Oh dear Brigid .. what a cliff hanger, literally ..except that this
was about getting Tommes up after he fell over .. I have my fingers
crossed that he'll recover fully. I had a similar experience many
years ago with a 10 hh Shetland who
This message is from: "Sofia Jagbrant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hello everyone!
I am going to Norway for the first and see the stallion show there in the
first May. Are somebody from the list coming? It would be fun to talk with
some fjordhorse interested people from a another country. I will have a
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