This message is from: "Marge or Dennis Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

My wife and I own a Fjellwin son, (Grandson of Gjest), that we imported from Holland and I want you all to know that I personally appreciate the time and effort Phillip has dedicated to root out the facts and history, regarding Gjest. I appreciate accuracy in representing ones sales, whether it be cars, houses or horses. We have the consumers report to watchdog over many items that we purchase but unfortunately, they don't do horses. Because we all want our horses to be the best they can be, especially our stallions,it is sometimes difficult to be totally truthful and even more so if we don't know the true facts. I have nothing to gain by Phillips information except knowing that what I tell my customers is facts and that means a lot to me.
Thanks  Phillip, "keep diggin". I don't have the time or desire to do it.
Dennis Johnson

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