Re: gut sounds in Fjords

2008-12-21 Thread KateSeidel
This message is from: Sorry to hear Gunnar is not feeling well - but it sounds like he did eat the apples, just not finishing his hay? When Della had her impaction this spring, there were almost no gut sounds you could hear without a stethoscope, and with it you could hear

RE: Re: gut sounds in Fjords

2008-12-21 Thread
This message is from: "" My Fjord had gut sounds, and had very bad treatment from a cattle vet. It was a blockage and she died a horrible death, without much help from the vet. Gail Important FjordHorse List Links: Subscription Management: FH-L Archi

Re: gut sounds in Fjords

2008-12-21 Thread jgayle
This message is from: "jgayle" My 26 year old grumpy old Gunnar has been off his feed. If you can believe a Fjord can do that. He has not been eating all his hay and I did not hear gut sounds. He just seemed a bit off for two days, also the way he lay with back to the girls etc.. He has heated

economy effects horses too

2008-12-21 Thread Lisa Designs, LLC
This message is from: "Lisa Designs, LLC" I was just talking with a friend of mine who was asked to be put on a "list" to take in horses that need help. It seems with the current state of things, some horses are being left to starve as the owners can't afford feed and can't find anyone to take or

RE: fjordhorse-digest V2008 #257

2008-12-21 Thread Sue Clark-Sorger
This message is from: "Sue Clark-Sorger" Thank you Secret Santa for the gift that's on it way As for your Christmas visit I'm really not sure what to say. Don't know what made you think it was warm on down this way The temp it is quite freezing and definitely not May. To the mountains of New Me

Double Up Fjords

2008-12-21 Thread KateSeidel
This message is from: Papers are signed and work's started on our long-planned farm. We've purchased 7 acres with a log home, and what I generously call the "barn-like structure." We closed on the 19th, the movers come on the 29th, and the ponies come home on the 31st,

Daughter of Rimfaske, maybe?

2008-12-21 Thread Steve Sessoms
This message is from: "Steve Sessoms" .jpg.php I wonder if this was a daughter of Rimfaske. Meredith Sessoms Important FjordHorse List Links: Subscription Management: FH-L Archives: http