Re: Managing weight

2009-07-12 Thread KateSeidel
This message is from: << Ivar is a 5 yr. old gelding. He is 14.3 hh. For the first time, he has too much weight on him. He currently gets 1/2 scoop of oats twice a day with supplement and hay. >> When I was boarding, the horses were out 24/7 but it was a complete dry l

RE: Managing weight

2009-07-12 Thread Debbie Hunt
This message is from: Debbie Hunt Gail, Thanks so much for the suggestions. I let a note for his caregivers to stop the oats. I left a message for the farm manager to see what my options are regarding decreasing his turnout time. One thing we can definitely increase is the exercise part. It wil

RE: Managing weight

2009-07-12 Thread
This message is from: "" Hi Debbie and Ivar, I will intersperse your post with some suggestions. Ivar is a 5 yr. old gelding. He is 14.3 hh. For the first time, he has too much weight on him. He currently gets 1/2 scoop of oats twice a day with supplement and hay. Stop the oats

Managing weight

2009-07-12 Thread huntdebbie55
This message is from: Hello All: Please indulge me with this question as I know the topic comes up frequently with regarding to feeding, weight, etc. I have been a member of this mailgroup for a year and occasionally post a question but most of the time I just read and