This message is from: "Jo Wilgus" <>
Hi Debbie, welcome to the digest. Without getting too much in your
business...make sure you delete the message you are repling to. The web dude
Steve is pretty picky about this. If you need assistance in this ask anyone
in here, everyone is kind and helpful.
Sorry about your first Fjord experience. There are "smucks" in every walk of
life. People bute, inject, sedate and whatever else to get a horse sold.
Scary stuff. And I have found "there ain't nothin free." Ha, ha, ha.
I have 2 Fjords, Bryhyl Regn ( Regn) and Bushwhacker's Dutchman ( Duffers).
Both from extremly reputable breeders of Fjords. Yes, they are perfect, for
us anyway. I hope you have a chance to spend time with another Fjord in the
future.They are something special.
Enjoy the day!
Jo Wilgus
Gavilan Hills, CA little cooler, good for riding, woo-hoo
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