This message is from: DMTFarms FjordFarm <>

I am mostly a lurker on the list, only posting once or twice a year.

My husband has been relocated to Wenatchee, WA (dry side) and I still live
with my fjord girl on the wet side.

I give private therapy lessons to two students with the diagosis of autism,
and one student who graduated from me, who  half leases my mare and he and
his mom & dad walk on the trails next door to the boarding stable.  I'm
taking their horse ( mine, but the student thinks of her as his) with me
when I move to Wenatchee the end of June.

Anyway, the parents would like to find a fjord mare just like mine - the
perfect fjord.  I believe they would prefer to lease this wonder horse, due
to the probability that the boarding stable may be sold in the next year or
year & a half.

Requirements: *13.3 to 14.2 hands.  Very steady, boomproof* (lots of
joggers, bikers, hikers, other horses and even deer on the same trails)  We
have been swooped by a great owl, and people with strollers think they can
just push their stroller up to Honey's nose.  *This perfect horse would have
to get along with other horses, be willing to pass others on the trail, and
be willing to leave other horses.*

The family will take a lead out on the trail, and if things are going well,
they unhook the lead, but if their son is aggitated, or if the horse seems
energetic, they normally will lead their son for the whole ride.  They keep
him and the horse safe.

Winters they have a 3.5 mile loop they do.  In the summers they can do a 5.5
to 7 mile loop.  They try to ride 5 days a week, except in the terrible rain
storm season.

The horse would only be walked.  They will provide an excellent home.  The
boarding facility only has six horses, each with a 12 x 12 stall and
additional covered area outside, with a run, play area beyond.  They do
takeexcellent care of the horses.

the family will take all care that is required.  I have taught them
everything, and trust them with my girl.  I normally take her shoes off in
the winter, and use old mac boots until the next shoe season.  They would
provide the appropriate tack and care.

I would be back occasionally to visit and ensure quality care.

If you have that perfect horse, please contact me.

Mel Thomas

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