This message is from: Rose or Murph <>

I have been having problems with neighbors. One set left their place, going in 
to foreclosure. The very same day the people moved out, in moved the tenants, 
bringing with them sick horses. My back field shares a fence line, they put the 
sick horses out there.  My beautiful fjord mare shares the fence line. I 
noticed two days after the new horses arrived I heard one of the horses 
coughing badly and pinpointed it to a chestnut I had seen them turn out in the 
back field.

Five days later, my lovely mare is very sick. So sick she went off her feed. I 
took her temp and it was 103.8. She then began to cough. I called the vet, who 
was concerned because she was off her feed, and very lethargic so decided to 
give her a shot of penicillin, and oral antibiotics. My mare then passed the 
infection to my older horse as they share the same space. Both horses as a 
result of the initial infection got sinusitis with dark green discharge, along 
with coughing.I have lost over two weeks of riding time waiting for my mare to 
clear the infection and quit coughing. I have spent over $350.00 in vet bills. 
my mare has not been quite the same for several weeks.  She is just starting to 
make her usual noises again. Her screeching at me when I step foot outside has 
stopped.Normally she calls out to me, so I am thinking she still does not 

These new nasties already have 11 horses on 4acres, are not cleaning the 
paddocks so the manure is several inches deep. The horses are all unkept 
looking, very dirty, mud stockings (we don't have mud as the properties are 
very rocky here)' which leads me to believe they came from bad conditions. 
Their weight is good. 

Sorry for my long winded explanation. What would you do? I am wondering if I 
should say anything to these people about infecting my horses? I am so p off 
right now. 

Rosemary in Roy wa waiting for my beautiful mare to get better.

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