This message is from: "Dave and Patti Walter" <>

Thought I'd start a discussion if anyone would like to join in. I recently
sent my very good friend Pat Holland a video of a mare that I have here at
FCF. The mare is FPF Logn. A 5 yr old Fjord mare that is owned by Peggy
Spear. Peg did all the training on this mare, she is simply lovely. I will
take some credit as this mare had little exposure and she is forward which
we love here at FCF. Luckily Logn is more of a gelding than a mare, so she
was very willing to allow me to channel the energy. Being in an indoor is
one thing when you want to have them focus on things like YOU the rider,
being outside is another! Anyway, I'm getting off course.  I took a video of
Logn at her first show, which she was a rock star and took home Res Champ. I
loved the video so much that I took some still shots from the video and made
a short video on youtube from it. I love still pictures, they just show it
all. THIS IS THE WAY Fjords should be trained and ridden 

1)      From back to front

2)      Uphill

3)      LIGHT in the bridle

4)      Relaxed and Willing

5)      Correct Muscling in NECK, TOPLINE, BACKEND
siBu1ekt4ILsGR7pA> &feature=c4-overview&list=UUQvt9vsiBu1ekt4ILsGR7pA


Of course not all Fjords will look this way, you have to have very good
conformation to start with, but you still should work them this way. Most
will just look at the head and see if it's vertical. A hollowed out horse
can still flex and be vertical in the head. I have to say I have seen way
too many Fjords pulled in/cranked in and there is such a difference when
it's done right. 


I am VERY proud of this mare, what Peg has done with her, what we are
continuing with her.


 If you want to see the video of her at the show, the link is on my website


Anyway, thought it might be of interest to some out there and start a



Patti Jo Walter

Francis Creek Fjords

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