This message is from: "Linda Thornsbery" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello List,

Well I did it, I put my first National Fjord Event Calendar on EBay. I have
never sold anything on EBay, so this is a new experience.

Here is a quick summary and description of the calendar.  The calendar is
placed on a 9" X 20" pine board.  The month page gives the names the event and
the day it is to take place, the event page (under the month page) gives
details of where, when, what and whom to call or e-mail about that certain
event.  This calendar reaches out to many states from California to Nevada to
Iowa all the way to Florida.

EBay Item # 3626518409.

I want to thank all the people who sent in their "Events".  Next years
calendar will be greater!  So please keep e-mailing me your events!

Again, "Thank You" to all those who helped me with the calendar and I hope the
calendar helps advertise their events.  Take a look!

Linda T.

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