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Hi Everybody from Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia --

Still in Aiken, S.C. enjoying the great driving here this time of year.  It's 
as perfect in Aiken in early Spring as Nova Scotia is in the summer.  

We wanted to let you know about foals coming this spring.

Starting in April, we'll have the first of five foals due this Spring. The 
first one due is 
Stine.   --  All are sired by our magnificent, old stallion, GJEST, and all 
out of the highest quality mares.  

Gjest was born and approved in Norway by the Norges Fjordhestlag.  He stood 
in Norway for several years, until he was purchased by the Dutch Fjordhorse 
The Dutch Studbook wanted him badly as they'd already had Gjest's sire, 
Helgas-Jarl, as one of their Approved Stallions, and wanted to continue 
with this very unique line.  --  

I saw Gjest in Holland in 1985 and badly wanted to purchase him, but he 
wasn't for sale until two years later when the Dutch Studbook approved a Gjest 
and then agreed to sell Gjest to Beaver Dam Farm.  

Gjest is known in Europe and in North America for producing very athletic 
offspring with extremely good work ethics.  --  

Bob van Bon said . . . "It's remarkable that Gjest produces offspring with 
such body and size."  Van Bon also said of Gjest . . . . "You could look for a 
lifetime and not find a stallion that moves like Gjest."

This wonderful stallion is getting on in years.  Last year, he was as fertile 
as ever, but one never knows how long an old stallion will go on.  --  Gjest 
remains very healthy.  He does have a serious problem in that he has worn all 
his molars flat to the gums, and as such he requires very special feeding.  -- 

Gjest has produced certified Studbook stallions in Europe, and a great many 
highly certified mares and gelded sons.

In the U.S. and Canada, Gjest has produced some extraordinary sons and 
daughters.  --  His famous breeding stallion sons are - BDF Kanada King 
BDF Obelisk, and BDF Malcom Locke. --  Each one of these beautiful stallions 
is out of our #1 mare, Stine.  ---

Some of the well-known geldings sired by Gjest are . . . BDF Idar (dressage 
horse), BDF John Arthur, BDF Magnum (owned by Starfire Farm), BDF Kapprell.

Over the years, we've had a very small breeding operation using, for the most 
part, just three mares --  Stine, Maryke, and Holly, (big Holly as we call 

Some of these great old mares' quality daughters are . . . . BDF Lillehammer 
(dressage, Evaluated Blue mare), BDF Miss Naveta (Betsy and Michael Scott's 
fantastic driving champion mare),  BDF Liv (Janice Ackerman's gorgeous mare).  

These are just a few Gjest sons and daughters.  

Our mares will be producing these foals from April - June.  --  Once they are 
on the ground, they're likely to be so beautiful that we'll make the decision 
not to sell any of them.  --  However, if you're interested in owning a 
wonderfully bred, high quality youngster, and you're ready to make a commitment 
. . . . We're ready to offer you a very good deal.  --  Call us to discuss.

Stine, of course, has an unparalleled, outstanding track record.  --  The 
other mares, with exception of Vallentina "Valley"  are all maiden mares.  

The group of mares that Gjest is bred to for 2005 foals are as good as they 
get -

STINE -  Imported from Norway.  --  The cross of Stine and Gjest is known in 
Fjord circles as "The Magic Cross" -  Pat Wolfe calls it that.

JUMBA "Jazzy" -  An exquisitely beautiful  Ohlsen daughter (famous German 
stallion).  --  Jazzy is owned by a client.  We're not sure if her foal will be 
for sale.  

HOLLY II -  The gorgeous German-bred filly that lots of people have been 
ooing and aahing about for years ever since we put her photo on our web Sale 

SASKIA -  A gorgeous Dutch imported mare sired by Briggen that we've used for 
several years in our Nova Scotia Beginner Driving Vacation program.

VALENTINA -  A lovely Kongaard daughter 

We're not sure how many of these foals will be for sale.  But, some of them 
will be.


We think we've got an enviable environment to raise and train young horses.  
--  Our climate is ideal --  VERY HEALTHY FOR HORSES.  --  Cool, crisp 
weather, excellent grass (timothy), huge pastures with hilly terrain.  --  The 
become well muscled, agile, and sure-footed.  --  We've also got a huge staff 
to imprint and begin training immediately after birth.  --  With a staff of 
ten trainers here in the summer, you can be sure that each and every one of our 
horses gets optimally trained, and that certainly includes the babies.  

Our prices are reasonable and reflect the quality of Fjords we sell, and the 
work we put into them.

Please call us to discuss terms for purchasing a 2005 foal.

Also, if you wish, we can keep your baby at Beaver Dam Farm for a year or 
however long you want.  In that time, the youngster will be handled and trained 
daily.  You can be absolutely sure that when he gets to you, he'll be mannerly 
and know everything that's appropriate for his age.

Best Regards,  Carol Rivoire

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