This message is from: "Carol Riviore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello from Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia ---

We're having a nice summer with  good staff, good interns & the
best horses we've ever been able to offer for sale. -- The BEST & the MOST, I might add.

The horses range in age from 2 months to 17 years.

Range in training from green broke to fully trained to ride and drive -

Several are competition ready for dressage and/or driving.


They range in price from $5200 - $24,000

Please Note: Several high quality horses owned and trained by Beaver Dam Farm have been reduced in price DUE TO OUR DESIRE TO DOWNSIZE . . . JUST A LITTLE - Although, our prices are always "subject to change" . . . . We guarantee to hold these prices for the month of July, and possibly longer - However, the guarantee is only good for July.

 --  Here's what we have available . . . .

*   4 high quality GJEST DAUGHTERS  born this spring April/May --
                        All out of imported mares --

* BDF WILHELMINA (Gjest x Stine) - $12,000 - SPECIAL PRICE $9,000 - Unbelievable filly in size, conformation, character -- Must see to believe! -- ** This filly is a WINNER in any company anywhere in the world!

* BDF WENDOLYN (Gjest x Valentina -Konggard) - $7500 -- SPECIAL PRICE $6,000 - Very special filly - High quality, leggy, with absolutely the best temperament -- Totally confident & brave ** (most important equine characteristic)

* BDF WHITNEY (Gjest x Saskia-Briggen) - $7500 - PECIAL PRICE $6,000 - Daughter of our wonderful driving school horse, Saskia - Whitney is beautiful, and just as nice in every way as her dam - Very high quality

* BDF WINNIFRED (Gjest x Holly II-Orca) - $8500 SORRY! We can't reduce Winnie's price - Very high quality, PLUS has her dam's incredible movement - One of the most elegant fillies we've ever seen.

*  SCOTIA SURPRISE - 2 yr. old  filly - (Hilmar x Valentina-Konggard)  -
Nice filly - bombproof - good mover -  Has white star & white hoof
$4500  SPECIAL PRICE  $4,000--- In daily training

*  OSHIBA - 2 yr. filly -  German bred -  Both parents imported -  Very good
filly -  Outstanding movement -  Beautiful head - Great temperament  -
Very quiet, brave, self confident $7500 SPECIAL PRICE $6900 --In daily training

*  MARLENE - 2 yr. filly -  German bred -  Both parents imported -
Extremely beautiful filly --  Gorgeous RED DUN -  ELEGANT!!!
Super kind & sweet - In daily training - $8500 SPECIAL PRICE - $7,000

*  MIRAMICHI - 3 yr. old filly -  German bred -  Very good breeding -
Lovely, sensitive, intelligent, willing.  Incredible mover.  Started riding.
  Good dressage prospect -  Started driving training -  $8500

*  BDF TITAN 3 yr. old gelding (Gjest x Stine -  14.3 hands -  Spectacular
mover!  Unbelievably kind, quiet, friendly -- Absolute dressage \\
prospect! $12,500 -- Can't reduce Titan's price as this horse is so special, his price will be rising by the month.

*  PENFRYDD'S VALENTINA 4 yr. old mare --  Both parents imported -  Sirre:
Konggard, imported from Holland.  --  Dam:  Rosita, imported from
Norway.  --  Very good looking, sensible, bombproof mare -  Proven
broodmare.  --  Green broke to ride -  This mare has such a good character
that we'll train her to ride and drive in the three months after she weans
her foal. --  A very good and valuable mare.   If you want it all in a
Fjord, this is the mare to get.  $10,500. - SPECIAL PRICE  - $9,000

*  LASARALEEN -  6 yr. old mare -  (Ronaldo x Ruth-Myrstein) --  Daughter of
the up and coming dressage favorite, Ronaldo.  --  This mare would make an
ideal pony club mount -  Or endurance horse -  She's just about bombproof.
Nothing we know of bothers her. She loves the trail and is fearless. - Las has also had some excellent dressage training. She's light in the mouth, has good movement, and is very obedient. $7500. - SPECIAL PRICE $6500

*  TAYLOR -  7 yr. old mare sired by the imported stallion, Hostar, out of a
great mare imported by Beaver Dam Farm.  --  Taylor has finally come into
her own and found her niche at Beaver Dam Farm.  --  She's quick and agile
on her feet, and will make a great kid's pony, endurance, and trail
horse. -- Wonderful on the trail with unending endurance.. -- She's elegant, and would make a
great horse for a smallish woman or a child.  She's super easy to handle and
ride, and has a lovely, friendly temperament.  --  Taylor's current rider is
a 14 year old girl who'se madly in love with her, and who takes her on the
trail on a long rein. Taylor loves it, and is doing beautifully. $7500. SPECIAL PRICE $6500

*  BDF QUEST - 6 yr. old gelding (Gjest x Stine)  --  Absolutely stunning
horse with incredible movement.  Quest is made for dressage.  --  He has all
the ability --  All the moves, and is super nice and easy to work with and
handle.  --  This is a gorgeous horse for a woman --  Or a girl.  --  He
really is unsusually pretty!  --  He has a beautiful white star, not favored
in a breeding horse, but of no consequence in a gelding.  --  Quest is an
outstanding Fjord.  $17,000. --  NO REDUCTION - SORRY

*  BAYSHORE STROMMNES - 7 yr. old gelding.  --  One of the most attractive,
most photogenic Fjords we've known.  --  Strommes came to us overweight and
has lost a lot, but has much more to go.  --  He's a sweet, kind, friendly
horse who would be ideal for a family or for a therapeutic riding
enter.  --  Strommnes is a very big Fjord, and will still be big when he
loses about 100 lbs.  --  He's almost 14.3 hands.  He has a splint on his
RF, and he toes in some.  Needs trimming every four weeks.  --  He's in
riding training with us now. $5200. - This horse's price will go up as his training progresses, as it now is on daily basis.

*  BDF PHILIPPINE -  7 yr. old mare (Gjest x Stine) j --  Almost 14.3 hands.
Big, Kind, Beautiful & an exciting mover!  --  Philly is the quietest,
kindest mare anyone will ever know.  ---  She rides and drives like a
ream!  --  SHE IS A DREAM HORSE!  --  Doing very well in dressage training.
Whoever gets this special horse will bless the day they found her. $24,000 - POSSIBLE REDUCTION TO A DRESSAGE HOME

*  TUNDRA - 7 yr. old mare hand-picked by Carol in Holland.  --  Wonderful
driving horse.  5 years of driving experience -
Very good riding horse.  Tundra is sired by Dutch Elite stallion,
ragset.  --  Super pedigree.  Mannerly, extremely well-trained mare.  Tundra
has been in professional training  since she was imported as a yearling.   A
real bargain at $15,000 - THIS MARE IS CHEAP AT HALF THE PRICE -- She's ready to hit the CDEs NOW!


A CHANCE THAT WON'T COME AROUND AGAIN -  Both these mares are proven beyond
belief.  --  They've both worked faithfully for the last 5 years in our
Nova Scotia Beginner Driving Vacations.  --  Every day, all summer long for
14 weeks, these two mares teach total beginners to drive.  --  Both are
patient, kind, and KNOW THEIR JOB.
Both mares are imported from Holland by Beaver Dam Farm..   Dutch certified
as :"A Premie" quality.  --  Totally healthy, and always
have been.  Beaver Dam Farm has owned and trained these mares since
importation as yearlings.  NO OTHER OWNERS!  --
IF YOU WANT SAFETY & SECURITY with horses that have done it all, you can't do better than BDF's driving school horses SASKIA & SAAKJE

*  SAAKJE  - 8 yr. old imported mare sired by Ohlsen-Junior (Rei-Halsnaes
bloodlines) -  Saakje is truly gorgeous (head & body) --  A wonderful mover,
and a kind, sensible, very well-trained mare.  --  She's been one of our
Beginner Driving Vacation school horses.  --  This mare is VERY WELL TRAINED
to ride and drive.  Suitable for anybody - children included.  $22,000

*  SASKIA - 8 yr. old imported mare sired by Briggen (grey) -  A beautiful
mare who has been a mainstay in our Beginner Driving Vacation for three
years.  Saskia had a beautiful filly this year.  --  She rides and drives
and is 100% dependable at both.  She's perfectly trained and perfectly
mannered, and suitable for anybody.  --  $22,000


*  OKSANA - 11 yr. old mare sired by Konggard --  She's as pretty as they
get -  Gorgeous head.  Great conformation.  Very very feminine!
She rides and drives well, and is suitable for anybody.  --  She was trained
to drive by the best (Vivian Creigh and Larry Poulin).  Super breeding,
professional training - Proven broodmare.  --  Note:  Larry Poulin was the
trainer of the 2005 World Championship Single Pony Gold Medal winner.
Oksana is a wonderful mare available at a good price - $16,000 - POSSIBLE REDUCTION IN PRICE TO RIGHT OWNER

HOLLY II - 4 yr. old German bred filly with the MOST FANTASTIC MOVEMENT WE'VE SEEN -- Holly never ever trots without impulsion and suspension. She floats ALWAYS ----- AND! She has passed on this movement to her 2005 filly, BDF Winnifred. -- Holly has been started under saddle after a couple of years of careful and thorough ground work. -- She's a big, beautiful mare with a gorgeous temperament. -- Absolutely calm, friendly, and willing. Holly II is a very high quality mare with movement that will rate a "10" in ridden or driven dressage. $15,500 - SPECIAL PRICE $11,000

*  STELLA -  A good sized, good looking mare - 6 yrs. old.  She's a darker
color with good stripes and a pretty head.  --  STella has some good
breeding in her pedigree.  Her grandsire is the imported stallioin,
Glenggard, son of Bjorgard, son of Astrix, son of Lidaren.  --  Her dam's
side has some good breeding as well.  --  Stella was not trained when she
was consigned to us, but is now doing well under saddle.  --  She needs
about two more months training, and she'll be ready to go as a reliable
trail horse.  $6500 - SORRY- NO REDUCTION

*  LUNA - 6 yr. old mare with a wonderfully calm temperament.  Untrained
when she was consigned to us, but now doing well under saddle.  Luna is in
foal to the nice German imported stallion, Orca.  --  This is a real good
tempered mare who is willing to do anything asked.  She'll be a very nice
horse when her training is finished.  $7200. SORRY- NO REDUCTION

*A2Z AGNETA -  17 yr. old Gjest daughter, out of a great imported
Hjerter-Knaeght "Star Mare".  --  This is a very high quality mare who has
produced several high quality foals.  Aggie is a dear!  She's quiet and
friendly and truly enjoys people.  --  If you want a wonderfully bred mare
who's been a great producer and can continue producing wonderful offspring
for several more years.  --  She rides nicely, and is in our Musical Drill
Team.  Agneta  is truly one of the friendliest, most sympathetic mares we've
ever had at BDF -  $10,000 --  A reduction MAY be possible

All of these horses are in constant training at Beaver Dam Farm- We have a big and talented staff so that each horse is exercised, trained, and professionally handled every day. -- We also have huge, board fenced pastures where horses can run and develop their bone and muscular potential. At the same time, they develop sure-footedness and courage. Please call or email Carol with any questions.

Kind Regards,  Carol Rivoire
Beaver Dam Farm Fjords II
R.R. 7
Pomquet, Nova Scotia B2G 2L4
Tel:(902) 386-2304
Fax:(902) 386-2149
Carole Rivoire, author of THE FJORDHORSE HANDBOOK,
only book in English on the Fjord breed, available from Beaver Dam Farm,
$36.95 US includes P&H

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