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I have been having so much fun lately, I just can't stop myself from Posting!

Here it is in the end of January and its mid 50's here in the Bitterroot 
Valley, Montana

Today was another day of FIRSTS!

Saturday I got to drive my 2 1/2 year old stud WHR Elsker with his training 
partner a Belgian Mare

TODAY we hooked him for the first time with our 11 year old Fjord mare Tone'

I have to admit I was a little uneasy at first, Elsker hadn't seen Tone' for 
two months and the Hello was a little more like "Hey Baby Look how I have 
grown up!".

After a few squeals and getting after them both for just a few minutes, all 
was well, We hitched them to the hay wagon and went out to feed cows.
They were wonderful, no crabbing or teasing and they worked well together.

When we were done we put Tone away (Elsker didn't like that Part) and then 
hooked Elsker up to a cart with shafts, This was the first time driven single.  
He was great!!

He did some circles and backed and walked and trotted and acted like the cart 
was no big deal He is even starting to side pass a little!

Here are my questions!

I have never raised a stud, (we owned the old stallion Eric for the last few 
years of his life and he was a great way to break into having a stallion) I 
want to do it right. We spent a lot of time with Elsker on ground manners . He 
just started driving training in Dec. He was born end of June 2002.

I have decided not to let him whinny, or knicker or make any noise while 
haltered or harnessed.  Is this unrealistic to ask of him?

How many of you drive your stallion with a mare year round?

How many of you let the stud live with the mares (we do)

If I let him live with the mares, What the heck am I gonna do at Libby when 
he has to be by himself?? If I seperate him a month before will that help?
I want a well behaved stud, or he will be cut, 
(so far he is, but he is just realizing he is pretty HOT)
Any advice is welcome

Michele Noonan
Stevensville , MT

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