This message is from: "B. Hendricks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi All:
I'm about to quit this list in a day or so as I will be getting ready to do
some traveling and the mail adds up fast - however, I received the hard copy
of Phil Sponenberg's article on Fjord color today, and if any of you would
like a photocopy of it, you can send me an addressed envelope (with postage)
and I will send it to you. It has some neat pictures of some Fjords on ads
that were included on the pages of the magazine, Spirit Winds Arabians &
Fjords, and Nancy's Fjord Horses.

I wanted it for my files as I will be updating my horse encyclopedia next
year. Its an interesting article. I know you also have it on your web
site... I just thought some of you might like to have a copy of the magazine

My address is:
Bonnie Hendricks
P.O. Box 810
Selma, OR 97538

If you want to throw in a dollar to help me on this end that would be great,
but if not I'll still send it to you if you send the postage. It is three
pages and I will staple them.


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