This message is from: "Gail Russell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi All,

Jim and I are home.  We finally signed him out of the hospital "against
medical advice" and got a last minute flight home.  We are tired, but OK.
Jim goes to the doctor tomorrow to see if he really has a cardiac problem
that requires a pacemaker....or whether it something that is just an anomaly
that needs no attention.  He may also need surgery on his foot.  BUT, we
seem to be fine for now.

Thanks to everyone for the well wishes and contact info.  

I will write more later when things are a little less hectic.  

For now, I will say that my absolutely bombproof gelding sired by Leidho is
looking better all the time, even if we did install a few problem ground
manners in him.  I suspect the accident was caused by a young mare who may
not the temperament to be a driving horse. 

The carriage company makes a point of using "old style" Oldenburg
horses....not the lightly built (and probably hotter) "new style" that are
used for dressage.  I suspect this one may have more of the "new style"
temperament, though she definitely had good big bones.  Something to think
about for Fjord horses.

If someone knows anything further about Ellie's injuries, please e-mail me
privately.  I am hoping she does not have a serious head injury.  She
definitely had a bad case of road rash on her forehead, but it appeared at
the scene like she was not going to have a brain injury.

Finally, I would love to know where Leidgho is.


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