This message is from: Alice MacGillivray <>

Hello everyone. Thanks again for the inspiration, facts and stories that
contributed to the creation of "Riding Horseback in Purple."  Several people
on this list are quoted or acknowledged or even behind or in front of the

I have a question.  Most feedback on the book has been very positive, but has
generally been from people with quite a bit of horse experience.  As many of
you know, the goal of the book is to help adults (adult women in particular)
decide whether they are really ready for a horse, and if so, how to prepare
well, find the right horse, and develop a solid, lasting relationship.

I was chatting with Teressa Kandianis about writing an article for the Herald,
and she is interested in getting a review of Riding Horseback in Purple for
the Herald by someone who is a relative beginner.  Do you know someone who
might be willing (or perhaps some of you consider yourselves relative
beginners)?  The paperback is available through (and many other
outlets) or I could arrange for a reviewer to get an e-copy if they've not
read it.  If you do know someone, please check with them to see if they are
keen (rather than volunteering them!)

If you are experienced with horses and have found the book interesting or
valuable for yourself or clients, there are lots of other venues for reviews
such as newsletters or online distributors such as Amazon.

Thank you everyone!

Alice MacGillivray

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