This message is from: "Linda Thornsbery" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello List

Here is a picture of my "National Fjord Event Calendar".  16 months of "Whats
Going On" in the Fjord world.

I am selling the 9" X 20" solid pine calendar holder with a 2003 thru
2004 calendar for $20.00 plus shipping.  You can slip your own picture in the
top, or you can change the picture everyday or keep the same picture for
years.  If you want to buy just the calendar without the board, I also sell
the paper calendar for $5.00 plus shipping.  There are 16 - 8"X14" pages.

The calendar tells where the event is being held, what is going on at that
event, and who to call or e-mail about the event.

If you are interested please just e-mail me at  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It has been fun making the calendar, and I hope to have even MORE events for
2004 - 2005 calendar!  Keep the board and just order a new paper event
calendar for next year.

So....keep sending me your events and we will totally fill up 2004 - 2005
calendar with Fjord events from all over the United States and Canada.

If you have not set a date for your event, but know the month it will be held
in, we will just put "Call" in the space for the correct date.

Great advertisement free!

Thank you
Linda T.
O'Doull Fjord Ranch

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type image/jpeg which had a name of Wood 
Calendar for ebay 1.JPG]

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