This message is from: "Janne Myrdal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

OK,  it has been a looooong discussion on the crossbreeding issue, and I 
guess I have to weigh in.  First let me say that I DO NOT support ANY form
of crossbreeding with the delightful Fjord Horse.  Why mess with what nature
has perfected over 1000's of years.  And also, let me say that I have lots
of respect for the recent rescue efforts.

Now, I also must say that Gordon from Canada, who posted yesterday has a
huge point.  This is a democracy, and what people do with a purchased and
fully paid for fjord CANNOT be legislated byany of us.  Sure, you can kick
them out of the club so to speak, and as breeders you may even have them
sign a contract when they buy, but short of becoming a police horse state,
what can you do????  ANd if we become a policing unit within the NFHR, it
will drive potential Fjord buyers and families away from this breed.  Most
people have their Fjords right at home, with no showing and breeding etc,
just their own pet horse, we need to protect this little world by not
becoming to strict that people will not buy a fjord anymore.   Now, do not
take me wrong, I think all the effort put forward is good, but I do think
the BOD has a great point when they continually and faithfully return to the
issue of EDUCATION as our best tool.  Educated people does make better
decisions, and as far as the few that crossbreed, ??????????  What to do???
Really nothing you can do, the freedom that America enjoys has a price, and
this is part of it.

>From a norskie in winter wonderland, ND


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