This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks for bringing this up this technique. They do work, and are excellent for relaxing, and relieving stress in most horses. I say most, as my stallion NEVER lets his guard down, and while he does not object to the ear and belly stuff, he kind of just ignores it. The others really relax though. My Trakehner gelding turns into jello. I have been through 2 really strong bouts of colic w/ 2 different horses. Got w/ my vet ASAP, and both times, they said to keep the horse as relaxed as possible,lightly walking & handgrazing. They did not want me to administer Banamine til they showed up. They also said rolling was not such a problem, but that if it turned more violent, to sit on their necks til it subsided.


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