Hi Eileen! We use draft harness and collars quite a bit and just make sure when 
the collar is put on that the mane isn't pulled back or stuck ..........we run 
our hand up inside to have the mane be upright.....not that it isn't "squished" 
for a bit ....but it comes right back to being normal and you usually can't 
tell there was a collar on it!. It does help if the mane is kept trimmed,,,,,I 
know some thin manes can stay standing straight up and be about six or seven 
inches tall! This then will show some "messy hairs" after having a collar on... 
 When I use my driving harness which has the strap for the breast doesn't leave a "mark" where it was ....even after a "four day 
travel " with a wagon train from southern to norther VT.  I wouldn't cut 
anything out for either of these.....collar or breast collar strap......just 
make sure your mane is cut and keep it marks should show!! Hope 
this helps! Sue in Northfield, MA where the sun has been out fo!
 r three days and the temps have been in the 60's !!!!!   

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