This message is from: "Ursula & Brian Jensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear list from Brian Jensen;
    Following the recent note on the list about David Klove, I contacted Tor
Finstad FHI President receiving the following information.
Address---David Klove----Miltzows g.2---5700---Voss---Norway
Telephone---#47-56-51-51-10 Norway

    David is now 88 years old, with a bright mind, but having difficulty
getting around. He lives alone in a small apartment with outside help coming
in to assist him. 
    We remember David many years ago in America Evaluating Fjord Horses at
American Shows. He was very much a gentlemen and a Fjord Evaluator par
excellence. Drop him a card or letter for Christmas if you wish.
Brian Jensen FHI BOD.

Ursula and Brian Jensen
Box 1032
Lumby, B.C. Canada
V0E 2G0

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