This message is from: beth gerst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
On the Dressage pad issue, I use a Mattes Sheepskin dressage saddle
pad on my guy. They are fantastic pads and not all sheepskin is
created equal (I have learned from experience) These are pricey pads
but you can find them on Ebay or Dover. Just make sure they are
Mattes as they truly do make a difference and the sheepskin is of the
highest quality and they fit my guy great. I also use a thin line
dressage pad which is fantastic. This pad is awesome on young horses
or horses with sore guy is young so I use it on him at
home training and it really makes a difference in the way he moves.
It distributes the pressure of my weight across his back instead of
in certain spots. I got hooked on these pads when I showed my guy
down at Devon and they allowed me try a demo one and me and my
trainer fell in love with them. They are also pretty pricey but both
pads will last you a LONG time...thin line will last years and the
Mattes if taken care of will also last a few years. I have a black
Mattes and thin line and white in both also for showing. It just
depends on your budget...I have also used some cheap Equine Affaire
quilted $19.95 pads that I picked up while shopping at EA and they
are good for hacking with my guy. Hope this helps.
Bill, the NFHA website for the show looks great...very pleasing to
the eye and easy to navigate. Hopefully, the NFHA website will
follow...need to get that one up to speed also. I am not a member
anymore and this was just an observation and not meant to bend any
noses out of joint, I do apologize if it does. Good luck at the
show and hope you have a great turnout.
Beth and Lex
PS - Had great fun at Elk Creek seeing everyone and look forward to
going back next year. Had a spat with a Judge or TD out in the last
1KM of the course and I had to retire. I guess when she came
speeding after us to catch us and tell me my pony looked tired as we
were trotting away at almost a canter!! When she told me I had a
beautiful pony and had a beautiful dressage test yesterday but he is
a Fjord and a draft breed, I guess that was when I came back at her
with my not so nice comment of "Gosh, is that what he is? I saw him
along side the Jersey Turnpike and thought he was cute and had a cool
hairdo so I picked him up for the heck of it and found this horse
show and decided to try out for it, I am so glad you informed me that
my horse of 5 years was a draft breed and a Fjord, I will have to
remember that Info. the next time someone else makes me stop in my
marathon portion of my CDE to inform me of the type of horse I own!!"
I guess she didn't find the humor in it as much as I didn't find the
humor in her stopping us on course at a full tilt trot telling me my
horse was tired. I was also 2 minutes under the minimum time so I
could have walked the last 1KM the entire way and still finished
pretty close to the time if not right on time.....oh well, she will
be hunting for me this season I can tell you that!!!!! :-)) If you
can't have fun then you shouldn't be doing it....oh by the way, when
I got back to the barn after walking a shorter walk than I would of
had to the vet horse was breathing normally and had a temp
of 101.1 he left the barn before the first section at 99.4.....he
was absolutely FINE!!! Live and Learn.....
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