This message is from: "Karen McCarthy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Yes Fred,(and anyone else who is wondring...) the Evaluation is scheduled for October 19 & 20th, near Carson City, in the gorgeous Carson Valley.
Conformation, as well as the performance testing will be offered.
The site we will be using is a private facility, just 3 miles south of where the Eval was originally scheduled, at the Fairgrounds, but due to construction, they cancelled our reservations there. The Carson Valley Equestrian Center is currently empty, and should remain so for the next few months as it is for sale (anyone have 1.5 mil??)But the owners are very nice in letting us use it, at a avery good rate.There are multiple arenas there, even an indoor, however, due to not many folks haviing access to indoor arenas to prepare their horses in, and also that there are so many arenas available, we will be using it as a warmup area. The weather this time of the year is sunny and cool; we usually don't get our first storm until well after Halloween. Food and lodging, etc. is ample and w/in 4 miles. BONUS: if your bored non-horsey relatives start making comments like "how and the heck can ya tell these horses apart, they all look the same.." you can pack 'em off to a casino or Lake Tahoe, or even a few hours in a glider (the carson Valley is glider heaven) might do the trick!

I am going to be mailing out the info & commitment letters on June 12th to all who expressed an interest earlier this year. If anyone wants to be added into the list, please contact me privately and I will make sure the info gets out to you. I cannot tell you exactly who is judging yet, but I do know that Anne & Mike and the rest of the Eval Comm are working these out.

One question I had: has anyone "officially" taped any of the Evals to date? I think it not only would be a fantastic record for a serious breeder, but it would be a great way to educate a potential participant. Photos are great, but hey, ya can't see the movement! If anyone is interested in videotaping, perhaps we could sell the tapes to cover some of the time & expense involved. Would anyone be interested in this?

And lastly...if you are not planning to bring horses, but want to come & watch & absorb, please also consider volunteering. It can be as involved as taking a turn at the gate, or running up into town for the judges lunches...

Hope this info helps!

PS: just a personal note. pls excuse any typos above...I am getting kinda frantic & excited prepping for my first CDE in a long while, (4 years!!) I am taking a really nice homebred mare, Alycia, Sven x Thyri (Gromar), that is soon going to another home in California(sigh!)At least we get to do one real event together. When her new owners found out I was entered in the Hayfork CDE, that clinched the deal. They didn't want anyone to snap her up this weekend! I will get a breeding out of her: she has a "date" with Peppertree's Christian, Ronaldo x BDF Jennifer Ann (Gjest) 2 weeks after the CDE. Busy girl!

----Original Message Follows----
From: "Frederick J. Pack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Can you folks tell me exactly when and where any evaluations (West of the Mississippi) will be held?
What are the exact dates for Libby and Carson City shows?


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