This message is from: "Gayle Ware" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

----- Original Message ----- From: "fjordhorse>
What do you all think about foal raffles?

Kind Regards,  Carol Rivoire

Hi All,

Many of you may remember the story I posted in Dec. about Alison McMillan, a young lady who works for me on Sundays in the barn. She was the recipient of a second foal given away by the Oregon Fjord club. The gelding's name is Trygmann and came from Hestahaven. We gave Alison the BEST Christmas 'surprise from Santa' party you could ever imagine - 21 people here to watch!

Anyway, the rest of the story is that this one does have a happy ending. Alison is thrilled to pieces and Trygmann is blossoming. Brian Jensen shared some DVD's with us which I gave to Alison to watch and soon Trygmann will be attending 'baby boot camp'!

Alison's boyfriend is as thrilled as she is and spent a very long time making a name sign for Tyrgmann's stall - all by hand. He was like a proud pappa as he hung it there for all to see.

Just wanted to share this update with everyone.  It can be a good thing.

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

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