This message is from: "starfirefarm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Current Fjord Herald Advertisers have already heard this via an Email I sent
out this morning....but to other NFHR members and Fjord Herald subscribers --
I've got good news to share.

We're back on schedule!!!  What does this mean? You won't have to wait another
4-6 months to get your next issue of the Herald and you better hustle to get
us those articles and advertisements because the Fall issue's deadline is just
a little over three weeks away!

               The Fjord Herald's submission deadline
   for the Fall issue is S E P T E M B E R   1 ,  2 0 0 5 !!!!

More good news? Starting with the Fall issue, color 1/2 page and full page
Advertising space will be offered in every issue. The distribution of the
Herald continues to grow and is a good advertising value. The Ad rates are
listed in every issue of the Herald. For more information, to upgrade your Ad
to color, or to reserve space in the next issue, contact us at

I'd like to encourage all you budding writers to try your hand at writing us
about things you do with your Fjords, or events in your area. I'm sure most of
you do things that would be of interest to other Fjord enthusiasts. Some of
you, no doubt attended the Blue Earth show. I have the "official" class
placings -- but it would be great if someone would share their personal Blue
Earth experience and impressions. Was anyone there for the first time? What
about the special anniversary Norwegian Wedding ceremony? Here's another idea
-- an article about the Evaluation that is taking place this weekend ? Or

And, if you're like me, the first thing I do when you get your copy is to flip
through the entire magazine looking at all the photos. You can never have
enough Fjord horse photos!  I know that just about everyone has a digital
camera these days -- and they take nice high resolution how about
sharing some of your favorite Fjord photos? The fall issue is traditionally
the Baby Fjord issue. Send us photos of this year's darlings. Please include
your name (or your farm name) along with the foal's name and the foal's dam
and sire. Don't bother to crop or alter your images-- we can "clean" them up
if needed and crop them as part of our layout process.

The files do need to be high resolution (at least 300 dpi/ppi at their final
print size) or a lab processed photo -- I'm sorry, but we cannot accept print
from your desktop inkjet printer. As far as files go, an uncompressed JPEG
file is the most common file format. TIFF formats are OK too.

We prefer to get the articles (in-line text in your mail message, text file
attachment or MS Word doc are all fine) and photos by Email. We have
high-speed internet so big files don't bother us,  but if you have a slow
internet connection you may certainly post them to us on a CD or hard copy
(include a S.A.S.E. if you want the photos returned).

Our mailing address is:
    2012 Blue Mountain Ave
    Berthoud, CO  80513

If you have ANY questions or ideas for articles that you'd like us to explore,
please don't hesitate to contact us.

Beth Beymer and Sandy North
Interim Fjord Herald Editors

Starfire Farm
Beth Beymer and Sandy North

"Remember, a horse can tell you a lot of things, if you watch and expect it to
be sensible and intelligent."
Mary O'Hara - My Friend Flicka

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