This message is from: "Sue Harrison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>We had fantastic Sugar Maples in our yard, and
>tapped them in the Spring.  Our primary gelding used to >watch us, then
>decided to tap his own tree!
LOL...I just have to ask....what did he actually do? Take out a chomp or
lick sap out of the little spile?  Aren't these Fjords something?  Sally
where are your Fjords?  If you would like to visit us and see Storm, we
would love to meet you.  We are next door New Brunswick.

 I advertised my Arab today....she is just a little too flighty for
me....for instance tonight at supper time, Randy went out to grain the
horses.  He decided to try something...he laid down a plastic garbage bag
and a plastic woven feed bag...right in the aisle where the horses come
in...first in was Sundance (solid App. gelding)...he just sort of rolled his
eyes and came right on in and went into his stall to eat.  Next came Misty
the arab....she bowed her neck took off back out of the barn and had to be
led in and over the bags...which she jumped.  Enter Storm...hmmmm whats heck with this my supper's in there!  Stomped
directly on the bags and on into his stall. I clipped his mane tonight and
has he ever grown....Randy has been telling me he hadn't grown a bit this
summer but I could hardly reach up to comfortably clip between his
ears...had to haul his head down so I could see what I was doing. (I am
rather short)

 >Posts every 8 feet.  on top of the post run 1 rail.  Then attach no-climb
>wire, making certain that the bottom is covered so no hooves get
Yup Jean that is what you need all right....Storm would swing his fuzzy butt
into our wire fence (6" squares) and almost lift the posts right out of the
ground!  A "hot" strand or two of electric fence   sure changed his mind.
We have a strand two feet to three feet off the ground and one strand across
the top and problem solved.

Well I must get myself to is almost midnight.
Thanks for all the help with saddles.  I just had a thought....I bought a
fairly short felt type girth for Misty and now I have to get a longer one
for Storm.  Wah....and it was an expensive one too!  Oh well by the time he
turns 3 I will have a better idea of what length he will need.
Good nite, Sue in N.B. (Desert Storm's mom)

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