This message is from: "Dave and Patti Walter" <>

I was commissioned by Ringling Brothers to find them 4 young Fjord Stallions several years ago.Which I did and which they trained to be used in an act with Elephants and I suppose without as well. The Trainer , at the time, Sasha, wanted the Fjords. His Family had used Fjord horses in the circus in Europe and so I guess he wanted to do the same here in America.

At the time they were looking for the Horses, I was given tickets to the show and was allowed back stage.The circus was in IL, about 4 hrs from us. They had several horses at the time, ALL stallions but ONE. ALL were VERY well taken care of. They might not have pastures/paddocks, but these horses were all happy and content and VERY well taken care of. I also got to see the Zebras and the Elephants. The Elephants made me nervous WAY too big.I was allowed in by them, and I didn't last too long, I wanted out, they are HUGE!

Unforunately 2 of the Fjord Stallions were killed in a train accident. They were going to their first performance, were unloaded at a train station where two got away from their handler and were hit by a passing train. Very sad. I recall, Bjorge was one of them, don't recall what other one also died, could have been Ivar. These 2 were from by Ken Raspotnik in WI. The circus then bought 2 geldings to replace the stallions.

I do have photos I found on line of the circus using the fjords in with the elephants. No muzzles on any of the Fjords at that time. Perhaps one of them has decided he wants to play or be mean during their performances, or he is just having a bad day.Hard to say. The Ring is TINY, did notice that, but the Fjords can do it and are doing it.

Patti Jo Walter

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