This message is from: "Catherine lassesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>



I was in the middle of a reply when my computer zipped... Not sure where the
email went. 


I shall try to reply to all your questions. 


1. Charles Kelly Jr. is a US lawyer that is a Fjord owner and NFHR member
who has volunteered his expertise to the group of "founders" so that we can
start the Foundation off correctly.


2. By US law, the Foundation must be independent from the NFHR. Yes some
people wear two hats, but the Foundation is a 501 (c) 3 corporation and the
NFHR is not. Donations to the Foundation are deductible to US Tax payers.
Donations to the NFHR are not.


3. Some of the Foundation's goals are similar to the those of the NFHR. The
Foundation can help take some of the burden of publishing educational
materials through grants issued by the Foundation thus letting up on the
obligation of membership dues for another NFHR adventure.


4. Trustees and Officers of the Foundation are as follows.

      Ann Appleby, Howard Fielder, Brian Jensen, Chuck Kelly, Joan Kemp,
Alan Merrill, Mark McGinley, Phil Odden, Fred Brandt, Neil Sorum and myself
(Catherine Lassesen).  


*5. " How does it plan to promote purity?" 

      By education 


6. " How does it plan to promote the history of the breed?  --  Will it 


      By educational publications and by translation of Norwegian
publication to English and making the publications available for purchase.
Advertising is not a priority with the Foundation at this time.



7. " I'm particularly curious about "supporting research"  -  What does this



There are many factors in the Norwegian Fjord Horse breed that are not found
in other breeds. When funding is available, grants for researchers (vet) can
be applied for.


8. "The Foundation says they are currently working towards "establishing

mission and vision statement" --  Shouldn't they know what their mission and

vision is BEFORE asking for money?"


Carol, we know what the mission and what our vision are. We have known that
for a long time. To publish a piece of work or a statement that will be our
statement for years to come needs to be review and tightening up. 


9. "The Foundation  also says their current work is "setting short and

goals" --  Again, shouldn't these goals be set BEFORE asking for money?  --

I would hope that nobody would consider donating their assets BEFORE this 

Foundation sets its goals." 


Carol, the Foundation does have goals in place. One does have to remember
that it takes 3 months to produce a Fjord Herald and articles must be in way
in advance. Also, that article was written as a general information article.


10.  "They also say that their "current work" is "IMPLEMENTING MARKETING"

Hmmm!  What does this mean?  --  Pardon me for being cynical, but when 

everybody in this Foundation group is a breeder with horses to sell, I just 

wonder . . . .   The purpose of advertising is to attract customers.  --  I 

would like to know exactly to whom these "attracted customers" will be 



Carol, (now really... I am getting to think you do not know what a
Foundation is.) NONE of the Trustees or Officers has promotion their FARM in
mind. You do not know the individuals involved and you have insulted us with
this statement. Marketing was used in reference to marketing the Foundation,
not horses. (or farms or people owning the horses or farms)



"Is anyone else out there in Fjord Digest land curious about this new Fjord 

entity . . The Foundation?  --  Does anybody else find it strange that a 

Foundation asking for very large charitable donations should be set up by 

officers of the NFHR, and should be claiming that it is an "indenpendent 

organization" from the NFHR?"


When we established the Foundation in December 2004, I was going off the
BOD. Neil Sorum is coming off this December. Mark McGinley has ran for
another term, I am not sure if he has won the election or not but it is not
unusual for 1-3 trustees to have ties to other organizations. We are three
individuals that felt that a Foundation was needed and we gathered to talk
about it while on the BOD. That is how some Foundations start. (People with
common thoughts and goals.) 




12. "Is anybody else skeptical that these NFHR officers who are all breeders

have horses to sell, as well as the other Foundation members who are 

breeders are going to be benfiting from the Foundation's advertising??? "


Trust me Carol, My business is not benefiting from the Foundation or from
the work I do with the Foundation. My farm is actually is suffering because
I am giving the Foundation more of my time.  As far as the membership of the
trustees... we have a wide variety of experience on the trustee list. None
of us looked for breeding or ownership of Fjords but the willingness to
serve and the knowledge of what it would take to be a Foundation Trustee and
how to establish a Foundation. We also tried to have a cross generation and
a cross mix of experienced people.  None of our Trustees are in this for
"glory" or for "profit". It would be like saying serving 4 years on the NFHR
Board gave me more business... it did not in any way shape or form...
(sorry! all those out there that thought being on the NFHR BOD gives you
more does not.)


The Trustees are working on the Foundation because we believe in helping
others and helping the breed continue and strive forward.


I suggest that you (and anyone else who wants to learn more about equestrian
Foundations) look up AQHA Foundation and see what they are doing... Once NFH
Foundation has funds to spend... we just might be doing similar things. 


Foundations are by nature independent. Foundations have strong US Laws that
they must follow. Money cannot be spent on just anything. There are
endowments and accounts, yes. There will be millions of dollars, one day in
the Foundation. Accountability is the up most importance to the Trustees and
Officers. Financial Statements will be published per US requirements.  


The NFH Foundation will have a website up soon and hopefully this will help
answer more questions that many of you may have. In the meanwhile, please
feel free to contact any of the Trustees.


BTW: All your questions came at a good time. Monday we will be sending out
our first mailing. In Canada, the mailing will come from Joan Kemp. In the
US, the mailing is being sent from Oregon. 


Catherine Lassesen

Secretary & Trustee

NFH Foundation

Post Office Box 101

Days Creek, OR 97429

Call me toll free:


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