This message is from: "Susan Felix" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

----- Original Message -----
From: Susan Felix
Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2004 5:03 PM
Subject: Re: Colic

You might want to try 1/2 cup of bran and lots of water and wheat germ oil.  I
have used this on my horses and it seems to keep them colic free.  After my
Arab colic 4 yrs ago. My Vet recommended it and both my Fjord and Arab love it
and it keeps them lubed enough that they don't compact.  I give it once a week
in the cold winter and once a week especially in the hot summer when temps get
up their in the 100o  marks.  You might want to cut back on the grain/oats.
Just grass hay and a powder vitamin supplement would work.  I use to be a
nurse and my vet approved all this and it works great.!!   Hope it helps!!
You can also give Probios paste it comes in tubes and keeps their guts going ,
because it contains active bacteria  .  You can get it in the horse catalogs
or supply stores.  I use both Bran mixture and Probios  It keeps them flowing
nicely.  Bye,  Susan / Colorado

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