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Joel, (and everyone else - hello)

Yes there are reasons to castrate ... Namely there are too many studs out

A gelding does not mean it is inferior.

Form to Function ... learn about what your horse can and cannot do.  A horse
cannot be a good jumper if it does not have the bone structure for it.

The Evaluations are to help all owners and breeders.  To help develop better
fjords and to establish an educational forum for the Fjord Lover.

Gelding owners should come and participate. Yes it will help the breeder but
it will help the BREED more.  It will help the gelding owner understand why
their horse cannot be the world champion in dressage... or help understand
why the gelding is so great at spins and slide stops.

The people on this list are Fjord Lovers or they would not be on the list.

I invite everyone to get involved and go to the evaluations. Participate if
you can, watch if you cannot participate. It is an educational program to
help educate and to evaluate your Fjords. It is not about who is a BLUE or
who is a RED. It is about how we can improve the breed and the use of the

There are not "perfect" horses out there. Deb Bennett states in her books...
that the ultimate straight legs would create a bad ride.

Please those that are going to the Evaluations. Remember this is a device to
help you understand your Fjord better. It is not a horse show. It is a one
on one time with the Fjord Experts that we have at this time.  They will
give you their views on where your Fjord is at the moment of time you
present it to them. They cannot predict the future for your horse or the
past. They will look at it at that moment and give you a written assessment
for you.

Yes, there are numbers involved and rewards. But it is the comments on the
score sheets that are important.  I encourage everyone to go and have their
stock evaluated.  Educate yourself.

Ok off the soap box,
Catherine Lassesen
(my personal views)

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