This message is from: Starfire Farm <>

Well, it seems like this past week has been a busy time for Fjord horse enthusiasts. The Rocky Mountain Fjord Horse Club just completed our NFHR Evaluation for 2010 as well as the first RMFHC show. Our club had to overcome a couple of serious problems to pull this off, so I would like to thank EVERYONE involved, from the organizers to participants. Due to unforeseen circumstances, we had an evaluator substitute at the last minute, with the need to move the dates forward by one day to accommodate Wayne Hipsley's schedule to allow him to to fill the vacant evaluator spot. Brain Jensen was able to change his schedule to meet our needs. To further accommodate the schedule change and help out with participants' work schedules, seven horses were evaluated in conformation at Starfire Farm on Wednesday evening, July 21st. The remainder of the evaluation and show was held at Tomora Training Center in Greeley, CO.

Thursday morning began with a bang...literally. While turning in to the driveway at Tomora, Nancy Newport's horse trailer was sideswiped/rear-ended by a reckless driver. They guys' car had rolled over at least 1 1/2 times and looked like a crushed can. Debris was all over the highway. The driver had somehow survived the crash and was sitting near the wreckage of his car, attended by and talking with a passer-by (who just happened to be a nurse). Nancy was okay. The horses, thank goodness, were standing quietly in Nancy's two horse trailer, but the tires on the right side were blown out and the right fender was destroyed. Evaluators Wayne Hipsley and Brian Jensen drove in to find this scene. Brian, Nancy and I got the horses out of the trailer and someone walked them to a stall. They had no outward cuts or bruises, but after the Sheriff's investigation and the mess was cleaned up, the horses were not able to trot properly. A vet was called and the horses were given pain and anti inflammatory medication. Unfortunately, they
were not able to participate in the evaluation. I hear they are doing
okay now.

We had some great help to pull off this evaluation. Laura Beller, fairly new to Fjords, spearheaded the organizing, paperwork, kept us on our toes as far as deadlines go and kept things moving along. She brought munchies, tablecloths and things that others might have overlooked. Thanks Laura! Jeanne Poirier was our Technical Delegate. Samantha Poirier was our Eval Secretary. She, along with Gary Holland and Tom Poirier, were also a great help setting up the Advanced Utility Riding course and the Draft course and schlepping things wherever they needed to be schlepped.

Anne Arling made some spectacular food for the Wednesday evening portion of the eval! We had a barbeque on Thursday evening with food brought by Laura Beller (and including Anne's delicious leftovers).

As usual, during the evaluation, Wayne Hipsley and Brian Jensen provided educational commentary regarding horses' conformation and performance tests. Wayne was impressed with the overall improvement of the quality in the horses compared to our evaluation in 2007. In addition to our local members' participation, we had horses from Colorado Springs, Grand Junction, from Divide, Avon and New Mexico. 25 in all were entered.

The evaluation ended Friday late morning, as Wayne had to catch a plane to judge his next show. For an afternoon program, I gave a demonstration about the Baroque Classical dressage training I have been doing with BDF Obelisk, followed by Brian giving a mini clinic on driving. Much appreciated by all attendees.

Saturday morning began our show. The first held for the Rocky Mountain Fjord Horse Club. Anne Arling spearheaded running the show. Brian Jensen judged halter, riding, driving and games. I judged the dressage classes. There were lots of smiles,lots of laughter, lots of camaraderie. It was
a casual and fun time. Jeanne Poirier and Hanne won the Versatillity
Award. Victoria Arling and Greenbriar Cezar won the Youth High Point.
Jeanne Poirier also won the Adult High Point. Anna Poirier won
the Fabulous Fjord Follies, which (for THIS show was: a "barricade" made up of bales of shavings and a dummy was on one
side.  The rider had to ride up, dismount, hop over the barricade, put a
lariat over the dummy, mount up, ride enough to pull the dummy over the
barricade, which pulled some of the bales over, then, dismount, take the
lariat off and put the dummy over the horse and run back to the
start/finish. For those people, they just had them not mount, to pull the
dummy over the barricade. Fun and laughs during THAT one!

Wendy Kipple was our eval and show photographer. From me, thanks to Christi Kipple for showing LTW Zeus in his first show. Thanks to everyone who stayed to help clean up. Gary Holland, Sam Poirier, Tom Poirier, Linnea Carlson, Beth German and her friend
(and new Fjord Fan) DJ.,Patty Wilbur and Kathleen Jesse.

All the while Sandy is bicycling across the US. After starting in
Astoria, Oregon, she is currently in Michigan and told me today that she FINALLY saw her first Fjord along the way!


Starfire Farm
Beth Beymer and Sandy North

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