This message is from: "Foxfire Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I have to agree with what's been said about helmets. Like getting in the car
without a seat belt.
We have Troxel Legacy Gold Helmets here... hunter green... very fashionable,
with slots for air circulation.
Wear them for riding and driving. Always! We also have black velvet hunt
caps from previous lives of!
We allow no one to ride here without a helmet...and discourage riding
on/through our land without one.
Last year my son and his SO (he a non-rider, she said she had ridden a lot)
were here for vacation and I insisted on her wearing a helmet. She resisted,
made fun of the idea and my son for complying, said they were for sissies.
I gave her a choice, wear a helmet or don't ride, it's the rule here. (along
with shoes/boots with a heel or you ride with no stirrups.)
After much whining, she gave in to the helmet wearing, they were out in one
of the pastures, just walking around. One of those B-52 Bomber bugs landed
on Tomas' butt and he did a lttle buck. She was off instantly, landed on her
shoulder and head, and was fine. I had to bite my tongue to keep from
laughing as I asked "Are you okay?" We get no more grief about helmets from
her... but she still blames Tomas. LOL!

When our old website was up I had this helmet link on it, and will be adding
it to the new site...

Have not been doing much with horses, our  trainer suffered a broken arm and
shoulder in June(different sides... ouch) , as a result of a green horse
(non-fjord) who dumped his rider during a lesson. Trainer caught the horses'
reins to prevent escape, horse swung around, jerked reins out of trainer's
hands and as he took off kicked out at her, and caught her with a back foot
in the shoulder, which knocked her down resulting in the opposite arm being
broken. She was lucky, the horse missed her head. 30 years as a trainer and
these are her first broken bones.
I am recovering from pinched nerve in my back (causing the cancellation of
our trip to Galena to see Evaluations) so have been pretty useless! Pinched
nerve came while vacuuming... not from horses! That'll teach me to clean
house! Can't even lead a horse right now... get to go out once a day and pet
noses through fence...good thing I can see them from the house!

Since I am so far behind in reading list, Congratulations on all new foals!
Look at as many pics as possible!

Betsy & Jer Patryjak
Foxfire Farm

> From: "Anneli Sundkvist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Helmets
Personally, I feel naked without my helmet.
> Anneli

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