This message is from: Mariposa Farm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
We'll I'm hoping that I find the right one at all. It would be a plus
that he didn't eat the fence in one night, etc.
ruth bushnell wrote:
FJORD with no vices?
I know what you mean, having seen that expression used in sales
This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hey, Those aren't vices..Those are just the endearing qualities of Fjordies!
Jean in COLD Fairbanks, Alaska, Where March is going out like a lion...last
blast of winter at -20 this morning! LSunl will warm it to +15 today.
>FJORD with no vi
This message is from: "ruth bushnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Wanted: Exceptionally well trained Fjord gelding. Needs to be safe,
sound, and healthy.Horse must be
> conformationally correct with no vices...
Mark McGinley
FJORD with no vices?
I know what you mean, having seen that expressi
This message is from: Mariposa Farm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hello- This is Mark McGinley of Mariposa Farm in northern Wisconsin.
Mariposa Farm is a small riding and boarding stable and we raise Fjords
as well. I'm also on the NFHR board and am currently your Vice President
(for you NFHR members).
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