This message is from: "Frederick J Pack" <>

When you hear the thunder
remember me
for those are my hoof beats
upon your heart deep in the night. 

Do not fear the lightning
and remember me
for my hooves strike sparks
so you may see 
in your darkest hour.  

And when the rain falls 
remember me
for those are my tears of joy
as I run with the sky herd
free of rein and heavy burden.

Look up and remember me 
for you will see the shape of my 
head thrown high
among the clouds,
warmed by the sun but even more
because you remember me.

R.I.P. Henry

Heather, if you were nearby....I would wrap my arms around you and try to
carry some of your emotional burden. 

Fred and Lois


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Fred and Lois Pack
Pack's Peak Stables
Wilkeson, Washington  98396

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