This message is from: "Knutsen Fjord Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all -

Gayle, I will be interested in buying one of the tapes of your demo with
Anne. I was holding a horse at the time and got to see very little of it. I
have seen each of you do demos alone, but never together, and would like to
have it for our TV when we go to all-breed shows, etc.

I have a long Libby tape, but I'm afraid it would only be of interest to
those who want to see endless shots of You-know-who and daughter and
grandson. You know, the kind a mother would show to company....

What I did see of your demo was exciting, and I look forward to seeing the
whole thing. Maybe you could take the show on the road.

Another idea. Like everyone else on the list, I don't have enough to do, and
so I have been wondering whether folks would be interested in a small show
in Ellensburg. It's a pretty central  location, and we have a reasonable
venue if it's available.

Let me know, and also let me know when you'd prefer to have it. And don't
get too excited, this is just an idea.

A final note, Julie Will is coming to visit in early Nov. It will only be
for a couple of days, and I'm sure I will have trouble prying her away from
His Majesty, so I'm not sharing her, but I wanted to let you all know how
excited and pleased I am that she's coming!

Looks like it will be Dec before I go to NY with the Red Cross. Meanwhile,
I'm enjoying our babies, and especially Vilde [age 1 1/2 and a big girl]
from Norway, a natural  blonde. We got a very nice call the other day from
Linda Vie, her former owner and breeder in Norway. We let her talk to Vilde,
who assured Linda that we were properly appreciating her, keeping her
well-coifed and manicured...

Bye now - Peg

Peg Knutsen - Ellensburg, WA

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