This message is from: "Cheryl Beillard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Yes Patti Jo .. I've seen this on some of my horses from time to time .. and
I remember Julie Will and I had a big discussion about it.  I think she sent
some hair samples off to a lab for testing .. nothing.  It strikes me that I
haven't seen it on my horses for the last couple of years ..  and I wonder
why?  Nor can I remember if it was more prevalent in the winter, than the
summer.  I know it wasn't straight dust/dirt because it didn't wash out . .
definitely looked like mites or something .. but wasn't. Now I'm curious and
I"ll check everyone out this morning when I'm doing chores (why don't we
spell it "chorse?).  I never found a vet who had an explanation either.
It's more visible on a white mane - maybe all horses have damage to the
hairs in their mane and we can't see it? Like split ends?

Cheryl Beillard
Wake-Robin Farm Fjords

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