This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 11/23/03 6:43:28 AM Pacific Standard Time, 

> I think the place will go far it is a wonder to behold, a place we must all 
> see. Do they rent the place for any of the shows or is it self (owners) run? 
> You are a great promoter for the Fjord horse. One can see it all as you 
> enjoy 
> them.  We must get a date set to go to the beach w/ a group of horse lovers. 
> Again Thanks for the look at the place in Eugene. Do they have a site on 
> WEB? 
> What's the name of the place and where is it located?  Tillie

The name of this facility is Oregon Horse Center and yes, they do have a 
website at <A HREF=""></A>.  
It really is an awesome place.  It is 3.4 
acres under one roof!  The main arena is 65' high!  It is privately owned by 
one person and they do rent it for activities.  SOMEONE has to pay that 
mortgage, I'm sure!!  It is located on Northwest Expressway, quite easy access 
the Beltline highway.  It is only 15 minutes from my place!  YESSS!  One can 
haul in to ride for $10!

The folks from my barn did do a beach ride earlier this fall.  Think I did 
post it on the Oregon Fjord Horse list, but didn't get any response from 
 No great loss, we will do it again.  We usually do at least a couple each 
year.  Riding in the surf is spectacular!  We have a favorite restaurant that 
eat at afterwards on the way home.  It is a great day.  Hopefully you all can 
join us on the next one.

Gayle Ware
Field of Dreams
Eugene, OR

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