This message is from: Linda Syverson Kerr <>

This email is sent from Linda Syverson Kerr @

Hello Group....

I wanted to give an update to all, since Kathy Johnson posted something about 
my CDE clinic accident. This weekend will be three weeks since being thrown 
from a Marathon cart while navigating for an upper level, experienced driver. I 
hold no blame to anyone for what happened, it just happened, that is why we 
call them ACCIDENTS.

I go back to the Dr's on 7-7 for a Cat Scan....hopefully the clot will be gone 
or show progress of being re-absorbed into the body. I am ground as of right 
now from driving a car, working, riding/driving a horse. I am to avoid stress, 
loud sounds trigger headaches, and I have daily headaches (3-4 on pain scale). 
As I start to pack my trailer I am pretty sad that I will not be there 
competing, but rather a spectator, this is something new to me. 

But, I am alive...alive to drive and nav another day. That is because I had on 
my helmet and protective vest. I had on a Tipperary Sport age Helmet and vest. 
To look at the helmet, there is no visible damage. No 
breaks....just dirt from impact.  If you don't already wear a helmet I 
recommend that you do.

One thing I remember from my trip to the ER (I don't remember much) was the 
Dr's discussing how lucky I was to have had a helmet on, or more then likely I 
would have died. OUCH..pain-full words..(but truth hurts).....

I am experiencing daily headaches a cpl times a day....they say this is normal 
and can last up to a few months. I am more apt now to another injury if my 
brain gets rattled like that again. As I start to pack my trailer I am pretty 
sad that I will not be there competing, but rather a spectator. My son, 
Christopher will be cheered on by me, while Kathy Johnson, Sue Plein and the 
Gudknecht family help Chris drive cones and log skid with Markus. 

I owe a great deal to Kathy Johnson, who kept her cool, remained composed and 
kept telling me I was going to be okay, even when things were grim looking. She 
was a wonderful friend and kept my husband informed. She was by my side...I was 
never alone.

I owe a great deal to all of you as well, the cards, flowers, visits, gifts, 
emails, texts, and face book messages, of encouragement, concern and words of 
wisdom have been all important in my healing. THANK YOU!!!!! 

But friends, I am well, for what I went through, and everyday I get will be a few months before I am 100 %, but I will be.  

Thank you again,

Linda Syverson Kerr
and the James Kerr family.....

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