This message is from: "Cheryl Beillard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Thanks for your note, Margaret . . it's very timely.

As the Chair of both the Bylaws and OPPs Cttees, I am working with a small group of BOD members and volunteers (including Margaret) to get an updated (and more complete) description of the rules regarding nomination/election process in the Manual and out asap to the full membership, via our NEW (and as yet untested) email distribution list.

As it stands, the BOD will review and approve this section at our meeting on Tuesday, based on input from various Cttees and their own deliberations. There are no changes in terms of timeline or process, just a bit more information consolidated in one place.

We will, of course, also, forward the same information to members who do not have email (an ever increasingly smaller number) by regular post.

The email capacity will reduce the time and effort associated with mailings in future by a significant amount. It will also allow us to alert the membership to issues or events which would otherwise have to wait for publication of the Herald.

With respect to the upcoming election, I'm not on the Elections Cttee but do want to encourage people to consider running. The deadline for 'nominations' (really expression of interest and a bio) is Sept 15. Anyone who is interested should contact Roger Cabic (Chair of the Elections Ctteee) or one of the regional reps - listed in the last Herald (Catherine Lassesen for one) and state your interest and provide a short bio, outlining your involvement with fjords, experience/skills and issues or concerns you believe need to be addressed.

There are 3 positions to be filled every year, and it is the regular infusion of new ideas and energy that keeps the BOD going.

Many new BOD members are surprised by the time commitment, in terms of reading emails and responding, plus monthly meetings (BOD and Cttee work). It is demanding, but the insights you get into the breed and how the Registry works, as well as the chance to improve service to members and promote the breed make it all worthwhile.

Cheryl Beillard
Chair, Bylaws, OPPs andf Communications Cttees
Tel: (613) 649-2437

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