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Nina III was in the premier issue of a new small  magazine being published 
here in MD in October. It is called Cecil Soil printed  here in Cecil County. 
The section she is in is called Caregivers which was  written by Apryl Parcher 
about Freedom Hills Therapeutic Riding Program and the  therapy we offer to the 
surrounding area.
  Nina's rider that day is a young man (15) with autism who I've been  
teaching for several years on a one on one basis. Actually Nina is his 
mount as he usually rides Apple Dumpling (belgian/quarter horse cross) as I  
claim Nina for me on our trail rides when we go. Instructor perogitive ya  
know...   But that particular day Apples was seeing Dr. Judith  Shoemaker (our 
chirpractor, accupuncture vet) due to a sore back. And I figured  it doesn't 
to get Nina and Fjords a little more good PR.
   If and when I ever figure out my scanner I plan on scanning  the 
article..... I've been taking care of my Mom since early Spring and I just  
lost her 
October 11th so everything else has been a bit of a muddle for months. 
     My Mom was the most awesome woman I will ever know  and is missed by so 
many. Not only did she provide the place for the riding  program at absolutely 
no cost from 1981 to we did start paying the taxes and  insurance about 3 
years ago and paid the electric etc. etc.. But she also  provided a home for 
and all in need - be it one person or a family of 6. A  city girl originally - 
she learned horse stuff by necessity as my Dad died in  1967 and she was left 
with 2 horsey daughters and a giant mortgage on the farm.  She could have 
taken the easy way out and moved us to the city way back then but  she didn't. 
The first fjord she ever saw was our Frodo and that was 1982 - she  just 
couldn't get over how cute he was with all the stripes. Plus it was finally  
one she 
could recognize instantly. No mistaking him for a bay or  chestnut...
                 Sorry all I guess I just miss her.  Robyn in MD

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