This message is from: "Dave and Patti Walter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Here's Your Chance to Help
Submitted by Tom Hans

If you like what the club is doing, this is your chance to help the MWFHC
continue on the path that it has taken. If not, get involved and make the
changes needed to improve the club better.

Nominations are being accepted until April 1, 2005 for: President, President
Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and Merchandise Coordinator.

Please consider running for office!

The requirements are outlined in the By-Laws which can be found on our website in the MWFHC Information section. They are also written below:

  A candidate for MWFHC officer shall:

  1. Have been a voting member in good standing for at least two consecutive
years immediately prior to being a candidate for office.

  2. Be at least 21 years of age.

  3. Agree to uphold and abide by the By-laws and the Rules and Regulations
and Procedures of the MWFHC; and

  4. Be an owner of at least one NFHR registered Fjord Horse.

It is also recommended that the candidates have access to computer email.

Nominees will be asked to write and submit a short biography to be included
with the ballot by April 4, 2005.

If you would like more information, please contact me or any of the current
MWFHC officers.

Please send your nominations to:

  Tom Hans
  728 Mill Circle #26, Alliance OH 44601

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