This message is from: "Dudley and Karen Haines" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I want to send a big THANK YOU to everyone who participated in the
pre-evaluation clinic this last weekend and made it such a fun and educational

Beth - Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule to share
your knowledge. Your (seemingly) untiring enthusiasm, knowledge and belief in
the evaluation program translates into a fun, non-threatening and
individualized-to-each-student style of teaching.

Karen Mac - What can I say. You can get some sleep now! Thanks for your work
into the wee hours of the mornings finishing last minute details so we could
enjoy a smoothly run clinic. And thanks for arranging for all the wonderful
food - especially the delicious BBQ your neighbors prepared.

And to all the folks who attended - thanks for coming and contributing to make
it such a fun and positive clinic.

And of course, last, but definitely not least, Alycia, and all the other
horses. Thanks for being so patient with us and continuing to trot around that
stupid triangle long after you wanted to go back home and munch your hay!

Now we just have to practice, practice, practice.

Until next time, take care,

Karen H.

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