This message is from: "Marge or Dennis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello list
In my animal husbandry classes, "a few years ago", it seemed that
there was always a lot of emphasis on whether the male gender
possessed "Paternal" or "Maternal" traits. In the horse world, that
being that the makeup of the foal was more likely to be influenced by
the mare or the stallion.

It seems there is very little mentioned about that in the breeding
industry now days. I would like to see some discussion on this
"theory" or "fact".
On another subject that was discussed at length on the list. Regarding
"getting rid of moles". I trap them using a trap called the "black
box" and made by the Victor company. I trapped 68 last year. I even
had to trap for the neighbors because I "ran out on moles".

I was just reminded of the subject when I saw a news report on TV that
a professional mole trapper in Washington State was arrested for
trapping moles. Seems that it is illegal in the state of Washington to
use a leg hold or body squeeze type trap to catch fur bearing
animals??? OH MY. Bet it takes a lot of moleskins to make a coat!!!
Our Son and Daughter-in-law just informed me that they plan to sell
their 2 yr. old filly, a 3 yr. old filly and a 4 yr. old gelding. From
good stock, Registered and ready for training.

They are too busy to do justice to the training of these nice young
Fjords and will probably make some one a good deal on all three.
Located in beautiful but getting overcrowded (north Idaho).

Email me privately at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Wishing all a Fjord Fun summer.
 Dennis Johnson, usually a lurker.

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